Subject: Error
From: Bishop John Missing
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 00:51:00 -0400
Please help!
I just downloaded and registered Injoy Firewall and later downloaded PPPoE. With each of them
I carefully followed the directions for installation, but when I tried starting I got an error which I
InJoy Firewall, Copyright (C) F/X Communications
GATEWAY.EXE version 1.40 (1)
20:48.34 Fatal: Interface address/netmask NOT allowed.
20:48.34 Fatal: Use e.g. or with netmask
Killed by signal! (C0010002)
InJoy PPPoE, Copyright (C) F/X Communications
PPPOET.EXE version 1.0 (1)
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :01 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :02 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :03 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :04 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :05 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :06 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :07 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :08 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Fatal: Interface address/netmask NOT allowed.
23:08.02 Fatal: Use e.g. or with netmask
Archbishop John Missing
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Glory to Him Forever!
Subject: Re: Error
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 12:19:19 +0200
To:"Bishop John Missing"
The lan interface you install our driver to must be
assigned an ip address. For example In other
words, you must go into the os2 tcpip configuration and make
active the lan card/interface and assign it a dummy
ip address. Hope this helps.
Please help!
I just downloaded and registered Injoy Firewall and later downloaded
PPPoE. With each of them I carefully followed the directions for
installation, but when I tried starting I got an error which I don't
InJoy Firewall, Copyright (C) F/X Communications
GATEWAY.EXE version 1.40 (1)
20:48.34 Fatal: Interface address/netmask NOT allowed.
20:48.34 Fatal: Use e.g. or with netmask
Killed by signal! (C0010002)
InJoy PPPoE, Copyright (C) F/X Communications
PPPOET.EXE version 1.0 (1)
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :01 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :02 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :03 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :04 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :05 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :06 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :07 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Debug: getting interface :08 :00 00 00 00 00 00
23:08.02 Fatal: Interface address/netmask NOT allowed.
23:08.02 Fatal: Use e.g. or with netmask
Archbishop John Missing
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Glory to Him Forever!
-- Bjarne Jensen
President, F/X Communications.
Subject:Re: Error (still more problems)
Date:Mon, 11 Aug 2003 22:03:18 -0400
I found that the dummy address had to be used everywhere, including in the PPPoE configuration
file and that no other netmask than I wonder whether that may cause me a
problem because Verizon Online seems to have a netmask of!
Now that I have the program running and not quitting before doing anything, I still don't manage
to make a connection. I have attached the PPPoE.trc file.
The lan interface you install our driver to must be
assigned an ip address. For example In other
words, you must go into the os2 tcpip configuration and make
active the lan card/interface and assign it a dummy
ip address. Hope this helps.
Archbishop John Missing
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Glory to Him Forever!
*** TRACE FILE FOR PPPOE PLUGIN - version 1.10
-----------------trace file snipped to save bandwidth---------------------------------
Subject: Re: Error (still more problems)
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 12:04:10 +0200
The dummy address don't need to be used averywhere, but for now
it's okay that you have filled it into the pppoe configuration.
The PPPoE negotiation gets to the point where we send out a
"discovery" packet, to find any PPPoE capable servers. Unfortunately
we get no response, so we just repeat the packet over and over.
1: PPPoE is not installed to right network adapter
2: the InJoy Firewall is not hooked up correctly - cabling for
3: Verizon doesn't support standard PPPoE?
4: You are using OS/2 3.x, instead of 4.x
That's it..
I found that the dummy address had to be used everywhere, including in
---------------------------my message snipped to shorten------------------------------------------------
-- Bjarne Jensen
President, F/X Communications.
[Note: My work was then directed at checking everything. I use OS/2 Warp 4 with the latest
fixpack. Cabling was correct as determined by being able to operate under Windows 98 (I dual
boot OS/2 and Windows 98.). PPPoE was installed to the right network adapter as indicated by
MPTS, but it had been given a number one less than the interface and installation of Injoy's
PPPoE prevented me from correcting it.
I repeatedly tried various strategies to no avail, growing more frustrated with each attempt!]
Subject: Re: Error (still more problems)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 13:40:05 -0400
I wasted my money on your software!!! It looks like I may have to get a router in order to allow
my DSL connection to be accessible to OS/2!
Because it is incompatible with MPTS configuration software, I cannot configure it for the right
When I install your drive according to your directions, it associates it with the correct interface
card but with a number which is one less than that interface. Since your software interferes with
the normal operation of the MPTS configuration software, I cannot correct
The dummy address don't need to be used averywhere, but for now
it's okay that you have filled it into the pppoe configuration.
The PPPoE negotiation gets to the point where we send out a
"discovery" packet, to find any PPPoE capable servers. Unfortunately
we get no response, so we just repeat the packet over and over.
1: PPPoE is not installed to right network adapter
Because your software will not allow it to be!!!
2: the InJoy Firewall is not hooked up correctly - cabling for
3: Verizon doesn't support standard PPPoE? 4: You are using OS/2 3.x, instead of 4.x
Archbishop John Missing
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Glory to Him Forever!
[Please notice his first words!]
Subject: Re: Error (still more problems)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 19:55:54 +0200
You are a sad bastard of an archbishop to write a thing like that
and to show such little respect for the hard work of your fellow
man. It discusts me.
I had initially written you a nice reply to this, but honestly,
people like you make me sick (literally) and I won't deal further
with you. Good-bye.
I wasted my money on your software!!! It looks like I may have to get a
router in order to allow my DSL connection to be accessible to OS/2!
Because it is incompatible with MPTS configuration software, I cannot
configure it for the right interface.
When I install your drive according to your directions, it associates it
with the correct interface card but with a number which is one less than
that interface. Since your software interferes with the normal
operation of the MPTS configuration software, I cannot correct
-- Bjarne Jensen
President, F/X Communications.
Subject: Re: Error (still more problems)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 20:09:28 -0400
Beloved in Christ, Bjarne Jensen,
By the very first words out of your mouth you establish the lack of credence I should give your
comments. You stand in judgment of me, with cursing coming out of your mouth, because I
object to buying a product which does not operate. I acknowledge your hard work, but I also am
honest enough to point out the inadequacy of the result.
Obviously, because you already have my money you don't care to fulfill your responsibility of
supporting your product. Be assured that everyone whom I know will hear of your conduct and
my experience with your software. I am even considering posting our full correspondence on
OS/2 Usenet newsgroups on the Internet in order to warn other consumers before they have the
same experience.
You are a sad bastard of an archbishop to write a thing like that
and to show such little respect for the hard work of your fellow
man. It discusts me.
I had initially written you a nice reply to this, but honestly,
people like you make me sick (literally) and I won't deal further
with you. Good-bye.
I wasted my money on your software!!! It looks like I may have to get a
router in order to allow my DSL connection to be accessible to OS/2!
Because it is incompatible with MPTS configuration software, I cannot
configure it for the right interface.
When I install your drive according to your directions, it associates it
with the correct interface card but with a number which is one less than
that interface. Since your software interferes with the normal
operation of the MPTS configuration software, I cannot correct
Archbishop John Missing
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Glory to Him Forever!
[Notice how little he thinks of those on whom he depends for his income!]
Subject: Re: Error (still more problems)
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 10:57:30 +0200
If you post this publically, then let me just include this.
Anyone that starts out by saying "I wasted my money on your software!!!",
will have the exact same problems with us. Professional and serious
people can just ask us politely and they we reply in the same fashion.
--Original Message Text---
From: Bishop John Missing
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 20:09:28 -0400
Beloved in Christ, Bjarne Jensen,
By the very first words out of your mouth you establish the lack of credence I should give your
comments. You stand in judgment of me, with cursing coming out of your mouth, because I object
to buying a product which does not operate. I acknowledge your hard work, but I also am honest
enough to point out the inadequacy of the result.
-------------------------snipped to save space--------------------------------------------------
-- Bjarne Jensen
President, F/X Communications.
Subject: Re: Error (still more problems)
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 13:26:42 -0400
Beloved in Christ, Bjarne,
My statement did not justify your cursing me!!!
My prayers shall be that you receive justice for your unprofessional and heartless treatment of
frustrated customers.
Perhaps your ego is so large that you are incapable of admitting that your product has faults which
would prove frustrating when they repeated foil attempts to configure the software and you fail to
offer any effective support.
I am both a professional and serious person, but I object to spending God's money on products
that are defective and useless!
If you post this publically, then let me just include this.
Anyone that starts out by saying "I wasted my money on your software!!!",
will have the exact same problems with us. Professional and serious
people can just ask us politely and they we reply in the same fashion.
--------------------------------------snipped to save space------------------------------------------
-- Bjarne Jensen
President, F/X Communications.
Archbishop John Missing
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Glory to Him Forever!